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Wednesday, March 29, 2006 to know this website from tze siang's sis blog..haa..very funny..recommended by tze siang..haa..

the website:

Try it yourself....


Weijian Marilyn Tze Siang Edwin

Mi KiatWee Sylvia Zhen

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Have not been touching my blog for so long..haa..busy with exams and after exam, the ITP..
Nw i m back from the oversea ITP..!!

But nw since i m back, i changed my blogskin oso..hee..nice rite..i changed it myself tis time wor..

i enjoyed myself at the ITP..Played monopoly, taboos, see-saw and etc.....FUN FUN FUN..

We went to 3 schools..
The 1st school is the cleanest but hottest( maybe due to the weather).. we were there for 2 n half days.. On the last day before leaving the school, we had an "autograph" session...

The Second school was the worst of all.. its dusty n dirty..but after or cleaning its much better..
we stayed there for 2 n half day oso.. on the last day, we had a ''wo shou hui'' (shakehand session).

The third school was okay lah.. but because it was raining, floor become muddy.. but the children there help us clean them during their break good..

As for the meals, breakfst was the best.. followed by dinner den luch..haa..and ya.. Our lunch was more like "animal feedind time"..we being the animal...haa..

Pictures speak a thousand here are the photos..

At the departure terminal...

Setting up at the first class..

First day of screening..

The autograph session..

Another autograph session photo..

Me and Mr "Taufik", putting on his spec jus for the photo..

Our Backsss...

Our height wall!!


*Lim Pei Boon*
*6 August 1987*
*C.H.I.J(Bukit Timah)*
*Greenridge Secondary*
*Jurong JC*
*Singapore Poly*


|Tze Siang|
|Kiat Wee|
|Wei Ling|
|Tze Hwee|


mY Ph0t0s


Mickey Mouse

My TaLEsz_

*June 2005
*July 2005
*August 2005
*September 2005
*October 2005
*November 2005
*December 2005
*January 2006
*March 2006
*May 2006
*June 2006
*July 2006
*August 2006
*September 2006
*October 2006
*November 2006

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