`my angel that holds you_ my angel of love___
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
June is coming to an end...n July is coming!!!July n August is the very "expensive" month.. y do i say that.. becoz all the birthdays are here..Most of my friends BD fall in july n august..n presents are of coz a must this explains "expensive"..Cecilia --- 7th julyKaili --- 17th julyXueli --- 22nd julyTze Siang --- 3rd AugustSylvia --- 4th AugustYi Quan --- 6th AugustYuxuan --- 10th AugustMarilyn --- 27 Augusthaa...those looking n if u know them drop them a wishing too okie ... even better buy them presents!! haa
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Yesterday went for the PTN for yr1 n 2 at SENTOSA!!...
had to wake up early which i cant do so..ended up in a traffic jam n thus super late..was feeling quite bad when i reach abit no mood..
However, when i step onto the sentosa island, the feeling was GONE!!haa..
the yr 1 n 2 divided into grps n some of the 3rd will be the gr leader..mi n ts were in a grp..hee..
First we had some ice breaking game..but as the frp is small n some knew each other, we played only one game n everybody know each other liao..haa..den to the first game of the day.."the treasure hunt".. our grp creative bikini top so we use coconut..but casper say cannot..CREATIVE leh..Second game was the telematch..we lost 2 round n won 1..Third game was captain ball..first half we lost de..second hlaf as we had 2 game master to help us..we won...n a great lead wor..haa..thanx AC n guan hao..heeForth game is the dodgeball n waterbomb we were lossing n we dun wan to drink the "forfeit'' drink..we played well n we won all !!! Great man..Proceed to the last which is the ending.. thanx to WeiJian idea that the red team win n we are not the last grp!..hee..Went to wash up n wait for casper for quite long..haa..took photo..den went to have our dinner..
First time go out wif GK n ivan for so long lo..they are fun to be with..thanx Gk for not forfeiting us...we chat about the day, the complains..haa..n went home..all tired..was a energy consuming day but was a great one.. !!
Glad to know the yr 1 n2 ..happy to know some staying at bukit panjang wor..haa..'s the photo below..
Overall FUN!!
photo without weijian n shaik n mi
while waiting for was placed on the lorry
the last few to leave sentosa
the optom sign
the architect sign
Friday, June 16, 2006
Its is suppose to be..but seems that this holiday, although more relaxing than the holiday in year 1 and 2, it is a alittle tiny winy bit sian..dunno y..busy working..busy doing presentation..busy doing FYP..busy this busy that..haa..
Everybody is busy with their FYP..but we coudn't start ours yet untill september wor..terrible..but no choice..n as for clinic, i still need quite a number of GE..need 3 SCL fit and 2RGP wor..haa..Anybody want to have a feeling of wat a hard lens or a soft contact lens feel like can come and find mi..i will be very gald to let u all try it..
Here's some qian bian wen da ti that will hopefully u(who's reading nw).. a bit more relax lah..